Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012


 BieberBook adalah situs jejaring khusus untuk para beliebers (penggemar Justin Bieber). dapat di akses di web
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Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012


Mungkin sekarang bisa dibilang ada sebutan baru untuk manusia selain makhluk sosial, yaitu makhluk jejaring sosial. Ya, jejaring sosial adalah hal yang sangat diminati masyarakat dari semua kalangan, baik kalangan atas maupun bawah, kalangan bangsawan maupun rakyat jelata. Dan diantara situs-situs jejaring sosial yang sangat banyak, Facebook dan Twitter lah yang paling ramai pengunjung.
Situs jejaring tersebut adalah situs jejaring buatan luar negeri yang populer di negeri lainnya. Lalu bagaimana dengan Indonesia?? Apakah ada situs jejaring buatan Indonesia?? Ada dong!!
Salah satunya adalah situs . Apa aja sih isinya?? Yuk coba!!
<== gambar diatas adalah halaman awal web

Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

BECAK MESIN , Becak tanpa di ontel

Liburan lalu, saya menyempatkan diri untuk berlibur ke Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Tentunya, keadaan disana berbeda dengan keadaan di Jakarta. Saya menemui banyak hal yang sangat menarik. Salah satunya adalah becak. Becak memang kendaraan tradisional khas Indonesia yang tidak akan saya temui lagi di Jakarta. Becak biasanya kita kenal dengan tiga roda dan diontel. Bagian menariknya, disini saya menemui becak yang unik. Itu adalah BECAK BERMESIN YANG TIDAK LAGI DIONTEL. Apa itu becak mesin?? Ini dia gambar yang berhasil saya bidik ==>

Ya, sepintas BECAK MESIN ini memang seperti becak pada umumnya. Letak perbedaannya hanya pada mesinnya. Becak umumnya kita kenal dengan diontel, sedangkan becak mesin ini tidak perlu diontel. Bahan bakarnya hanya premium, dan cukup irit. Dalam sehari, becak mesin ini hanya menbutuhkan satu liter premium untuk beroperasi. Dan yang uniknya lagi, para tukang becak mesin ini juga menggunakan helm loh… Mereka juga mengutamakan keselamatan, berhubung becak ini bermesin layaknya motor. Dan untuk lebih detailnya, letak perbedaan pada becak biasa dan becak mesin ini dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini. ==>

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

General Information About Earthquakes Can be used anytime

Well, anyway, it's almost half a year I did not post my favorite posts to this blog ..... Mainly because I was busy and did not have time to write. Shortage of inspiration is also a factor why I did not get to renew my writing.
A few days ago, I had the geography assignment should I send it via e-mail.Saya thought this is quite interesting and worthy of publication.
Instead of confusion, I want to share information only on some of the science of geography deh most I can from today's biggest search engine, google
Well, here it is
A. Please list each of the five mitigation before, during, and after an earthquake!A. Before an earthquake
Some things we can do is to keep alert
• Establish building (office, home, etc.) in accordance with the standard kaidah2. Discuss with the experts is that you are earthquake-resistant buildings. Do not build with carelessly let alone without calculation
• Identify the location of the building where you live or work, if not at fault, such as an earthquake or landslide prone places and so on.
• Place the furnishings in the space proportion. If you have a closet, it's worth nailed to the wall, so as not to fall down and come to rest when an earthquake happens. If there is furniture that is hanging, check regularly keamananya.
• Siagakanlah equipment such as flashlights, P3K boxes, instant food, etc.. Radio is also provided, as in an earthquake means of communication and other information such as Phone, Mobile, Television, the Internet will be interrupted. Radio is just using the battery will be very useful in times of disaster.
• Always check the use of electricity and gas, power off when not in use.
• Record important phone calls such as fire brigade, hospital, etc..
• Know your evacuation route. Some areas in Indonesia, especially areas prone to tsunami, now has built an evacuation to higher ground.
• Follow the earthquake disaster mitigation activities simulations that have been started by some like-region of West Sumatra. This is usually done by the people of Japan. So they are not awkward anymore when disaster strikes. By following these activities, we will get used to bentuk2 early warning provided by local governments, such as a sign of Tsunami sirens, sirens, etc. Flood.
2. When the earthquake took place
• The first one is DO NOT BE PANIC, master yourself that you can escape from the disaster.
• Avoidance of buildings, trees, utility poles, etc. are likely to fall upon us. If you are in a building, try to run out. If not possible take shelter under a strong table, a bed. Or take cover in a corner of the building, because it is supported more strongly.
• Watch where you stand, because large earthquakes will allow rengkahan ground.
• If you're driving, turn off your vehicle and come down. If you are on the beach, then ran away from the beach. if you were in the mountains, then look around you whether there is a possibility of landslides.
3. After an earthquake
• If you are still in the building, then exit in an orderly manner, do not use the Elevator, use the stairs.
• Check around you, is there any damage, be it power outages, gas leaks, wall cracks etc.. Check also if anyone was injured. If yes, do first aid.
• Avoid buildings that seem almost collapsed or have the potential to collapse
• Look for information about the quake, use the radio earlier.

2. Explain the following terms of this earthquake:
A. PleistoseistaThe region bounded by Isoseista around the epicenter of the most widely received damage. Plestoseista dapatjuga construed as limiting the imaginary line where the epicenter suffered the greatest damage caused by the earthquake.
2. IsoseistaLines on maps that connect places of equal loud seismic vibrations.
3. HomoseistaLines on maps that connect places at the same time experience the thrill of earthquake.

4. MicroseismeVibration of the earth's crust is very smooth. Vibration is not felt except by a seismograph (earthquake vibration recording devices).
5. MacroseismeEpicenter region that suffered the greatest damage
6.seismografSeismograph is a device that measures and records earthquakes. In principle, the seismograph consists of a weight hanger and a pointed tip like a pencil. That way, it can be seen through the strength and direction of seismic motion picture of the earth in the form of seismograms recorded